Thursday, February 20, 2025 9:39:54 AM - Markets open
VN-INDEX 1,292.48 +3.92/+0.30%
HNX-INDEX 238.64 +0.85/+0.36%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.97 +0.63/+0.63%
Rangdong Light Source and Vacuum Flask Joint Stock Company (RAL : HOSE)
Consumer Goods : Nondurable Household Products
119.50 0.00/0.00%
9:34:59 AM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/20/2025 119.50 0 0 0 0 0 200 23,950
2/19/2025 119.50 84 25,080 54 23,642 1,438 6,900 822,290
2/18/2025 119.50 104 25,956 62 28,065 -2,109 6,100 725,430
2/17/2025 119.70 168 45,175 70 36,090 9,085 23,900 2,823,960
2/14/2025 119.80 75 17,191 72 24,693 -7,502 9,800 1,176,750
2/13/2025 119.90 97 18,816 100 22,934 -4,118 7,100 850,440
2/12/2025 118.00 132 39,395 72 30,918 8,477 22,400 2,643,370
2/11/2025 117.10 92 14,961 52 28,232 -13,271 6,700 786,940
2/10/2025 117.90 97 16,124 68 25,007 -8,883 8,400 994,220
2/7/2025 119.50 59 10,139 62 17,008 -6,869 3,800 454,860
2/6/2025 120.00 80 12,493 62 13,948 -1,455 3,800 459,570
2/5/2025 121.90 65 14,412 78 17,735 -3,323 4,800 582,710
2/4/2025 121.50 79 19,431 102 21,473 -2,042 10,900 1,324,630
2/3/2025 119.90 77 40,085 80 24,137 15,948 17,000 2,028,140
1/24/2025 118.90 64 14,492 70 15,093 -601 6,100 717,020
1/23/2025 117.90 64 9,677 49 7,495 2,182 2,400 281,440
1/22/2025 117.90 47 7,404 42 6,495 909 1,900 222,070
1/21/2025 116.60 61 9,151 44 9,824 -673 2,700 315,200
1/20/2025 117.50 48 9,495 45 8,151 1,344 2,700 315,490
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