Thursday, February 20, 2025 3:24:23 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,288.56 +10.42/+0.82%
HNX-INDEX 237.79 +1.95/+0.83%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.34 -0.17/-0.17%
Masan Consumer Corporation (MCH : UPCOM)
Consumer Goods : Food Products
152.00 +3.40/+2.29%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/19/2025 152.00 316 115,734 260 132,804 -17,070 79,500 12,074,570
2/18/2025 149.00 297 49,018 149 45,636 3,382 26,100 3,879,430
2/17/2025 148.60 425 78,133 280 90,935 -12,802 67,500 10,082,870
2/14/2025 151.20 378 88,315 177 79,709 8,606 43,000 6,515,530
2/13/2025 153.90 583 120,627 307 120,900 -273 97,700 14,977,300
2/12/2025 154.20 449 105,268 122 68,116 37,152 41,700 6,421,450
2/11/2025 154.70 798 431,199 342 493,137 -61,938 208,000 60,570,650
2/10/2025 219.30 507 221,822 321 286,542 -64,720 200,500 45,800,310
2/7/2025 220.00 350 163,474 239 216,005 -52,531 92,700 29,027,670
2/6/2025 222.00 354 175,221 231 180,288 -5,067 139,300 30,771,114
2/5/2025 219.90 351 129,869 313 152,578 -22,709 102,300 22,997,000
2/4/2025 218.90 391 158,918 435 170,647 -11,729 111,800 25,236,720
2/3/2025 214.80 201 54,918 118 63,245 -8,327 37,800 8,132,010
1/24/2025 216.70 259 83,177 307 124,020 -40,843 62,900 13,612,270
1/23/2025 214.30 347 150,915 215 171,556 -20,641 73,700 22,086,815
1/22/2025 213.80 461 304,419 230 293,541 10,878 146,700 41,887,380
1/21/2025 212.90 669 388,337 360 424,403 -36,066 233,900 68,876,770
1/20/2025 218.20 461 134,901 332 145,453 -10,552 90,500 19,812,680
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