Thursday, February 20, 2025 3:19:35 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,288.56 +10.42/+0.82%
HNX-INDEX 237.79 +1.95/+0.83%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.34 -0.17/-0.17%
Masan Consumer Corporation (MCH : UPCOM)
Consumer Goods : Food Products
152.00 +3.40/+2.29%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Current Foreign Room Volume Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
Buy Sell Buy-Sell Buy Sell Buy-Sell
2/19/2025 348,042,552 39,300 44,100 -4,800 5,968,938 6,697,969 -729,031
2/18/2025 348,078,238 955 455 500 141,948 67,630 74,319
2/17/2025 348,023,893 1,400 8,000 -6,600 209,126 1,195,007 -985,881
2/14/2025 348,012,943 3,900 3,614 286 590,943 547,608 43,336
2/13/2025 347,902,043 25,200 55,300 -30,100 3,863,132 8,477,428 -4,614,296
2/12/2025 347,836,843 2,000 12,350 -10,350 307,983 1,901,796 -1,593,813
2/11/2025 347,825,343 2,300 114,800 -112,500 360,156 17,976,493 -17,616,337
2/10/2025 347,759,543 39,600 90,400 -50,800 8,710,649 19,884,916 -11,174,267
2/7/2025 347,753,243 63,700 13,500 50,200 13,978,728 2,962,525 11,016,203
2/6/2025 347,803,943 3,730 68,100 -64,370 823,029 15,026,346 -14,203,317
2/5/2025 347,798,073 31,810 45,900 -14,090 7,017,494 10,125,841 -3,108,346
2/4/2025 347,812,383 6,600 13,000 -6,400 1,447,692 2,851,514 -1,403,822
2/3/2025 347,810,133 13,500 9,600 3,900 2,904,289 2,065,272 839,017
1/24/2025 347,801,233 1,100 17,500 -16,400 238,052 3,787,198 -3,549,145
1/23/2025 347,746,733 42,100 8,850 33,250 8,972,275 1,886,096 7,086,180
1/22/2025 347,768,733 124,900 100,000 24,900 26,688,950 21,368,255 5,320,695
1/21/2025 347,813,233 163,400 155,600 7,800 34,843,880 33,180,586 1,663,294
1/20/2025 347,866,633 13,800 20,100 -6,300 3,021,160 4,400,385 -1,379,225
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