Saturday, February 22, 2025 10:39:46 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,296.75 +3.77/+0.29%
HNX-INDEX 237.57 -0.45/-0.19%
UPCOM-INDEX 100.61 +0.53/+0.53%
PetroVietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation (GAS : HOSE)
Utilities : Gas Distribution
68.40 -0.40/-0.58%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/21/2025 68.40 1,511 1,533,958 1,292 1,536,636 -2,678 767,500 52,503,670
2/20/2025 68.80 896 949,935 1,746 2,010,471 -1,060,536 601,500 41,398,990
2/19/2025 68.70 1,549 2,458,040 2,041 2,691,138 -233,098 1,389,800 95,105,010
2/18/2025 68.00 944 1,135,158 1,451 1,542,146 -406,988 634,400 43,134,210
2/17/2025 67.80 1,188 2,393,017 1,511 1,575,905 817,112 762,900 51,775,640
2/14/2025 67.70 1,628 2,537,193 2,096 2,246,219 290,974 1,147,200 77,555,130
2/13/2025 66.70 1,944 1,219,764 783 1,410,381 -190,617 650,700 43,451,270
2/12/2025 67.10 925 651,417 1,069 1,033,737 -382,320 344,200 23,149,510
2/11/2025 67.00 1,541 1,364,370 1,192 1,680,337 -315,967 671,300 45,032,490
2/10/2025 67.30 1,449 1,459,353 1,344 1,236,303 223,050 732,900 49,205,470
2/7/2025 67.30 1,765 1,534,126 1,319 1,754,637 -220,511 818,200 56,678,850
2/6/2025 67.60 1,067 951,365 1,037 1,298,135 -346,770 539,300 36,561,760
2/5/2025 67.80 1,123 1,555,356 1,271 1,326,630 228,726 652,400 45,600,510
2/4/2025 67.10 1,256 989,806 632 814,133 175,673 398,400 26,728,910
2/3/2025 67.10 1,284 871,946 1,025 927,828 -55,882 463,200 32,467,090
1/24/2025 67.90 956 1,337,846 1,111 1,107,664 230,182 432,300 29,197,300
1/23/2025 67.00 937 730,377 767 884,368 -153,991 317,100 22,604,310
1/22/2025 66.80 1,008 690,527 708 979,678 -289,151 313,300 20,991,740
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