Thursday, February 20, 2025 2:14:54 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,288.56 +10.42/+0.82%
HNX-INDEX 237.79 +1.95/+0.83%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.34 -0.17/-0.17%
Vietourist Holdings Joint Stock Company (VTD : UPCOM)
Consumer Services : Travel & Tourism
8.10 +0.50/+6.58%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/19/2025 8.10 140 279,437 96 162,639 116,798 100,100 752,080
2/18/2025 7.90 122 231,611 91 175,232 56,379 105,400 799,230
2/17/2025 7.80 98 300,173 101 294,577 5,596 236,600 1,765,580
2/14/2025 8.10 58 65,010 76 73,614 -8,604 14,600 117,520
2/13/2025 8.00 57 142,175 86 166,509 -24,334 92,200 728,470
2/12/2025 7.90 59 85,389 87 142,365 -56,976 50,400 401,460
2/11/2025 8.20 53 67,308 108 170,391 -103,083 37,500 302,200
2/10/2025 8.20 67 160,468 114 142,709 17,759 117,800 939,990
2/7/2025 7.80 75 155,910 69 158,699 -2,789 103,300 806,520
2/6/2025 7.90 52 85,196 58 115,038 -29,842 34,900 272,390
2/5/2025 7.90 55 133,571 65 123,212 10,359 45,500 357,800
2/4/2025 7.80 67 102,934 71 143,699 -40,765 58,200 458,670
2/3/2025 7.90 34 80,238 79 163,604 -83,366 58,300 463,950
1/24/2025 7.80 38 43,063 77 102,322 -59,259 33,200 261,670
1/23/2025 7.80 46 41,758 59 97,834 -56,076 28,900 225,310
1/22/2025 7.70 26 10,513 58 88,820 -78,307 2,100 16,280
1/21/2025 7.80 42 22,426 87 78,448 -56,022 11,200 88,050
1/20/2025 7.80 34 62,264 90 123,608 -61,344 37,000 289,500
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