Wednesday, February 26, 2025 1:03:14 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,303.16 -1.40/-0.11%
HNX-INDEX 238.31 -0.18/-0.07%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.97 -0.24/-0.24%
Vinh Hoan Corporation (VHC : HOSE)
Consumer Goods : Farming & Fishing & Plantations
70.20 -0.30/-0.43%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/25/2025 70.20 1,735 1,812,743 1,628 2,246,260 -433,517 1,016,600 71,411,580
2/24/2025 70.50 1,156 959,805 1,010 1,532,811 -573,006 408,900 28,865,410
2/21/2025 71.00 1,662 2,141,371 2,757 3,563,271 -1,421,900 1,361,900 97,803,770
2/20/2025 70.40 1,039 1,047,340 1,283 1,831,961 -784,621 563,600 39,721,570
2/19/2025 70.60 1,163 1,546,539 1,169 1,526,360 20,179 700,300 49,120,450
2/18/2025 69.30 1,216 1,082,112 982 1,123,368 -41,256 613,000 42,563,250
2/17/2025 69.70 1,070 1,075,647 1,095 1,452,440 -376,793 749,500 52,425,760
2/14/2025 70.50 1,017 1,232,854 1,908 2,322,978 -1,090,124 771,800 54,665,980
2/13/2025 70.00 658 956,945 969 1,097,345 -140,400 355,300 24,865,750
2/12/2025 69.50 796 571,275 650 871,602 -300,327 224,400 15,617,530
2/11/2025 70.10 1,070 842,683 1,121 1,251,794 -409,111 411,100 28,688,860
2/10/2025 68.80 1,477 1,125,057 757 1,319,111 -194,054 730,100 56,658,280
2/7/2025 70.00 1,285 1,394,927 1,683 2,512,614 -1,117,687 929,800 65,969,620
2/6/2025 70.50 990 745,412 816 1,041,958 -296,546 393,300 27,612,060
2/5/2025 70.80 751 1,260,442 1,377 1,680,904 -420,462 640,900 45,239,330
2/4/2025 70.20 979 1,158,527 1,454 1,472,081 -313,554 560,600 39,296,620
2/3/2025 68.40 628 674,445 561 722,468 -48,023 317,000 21,704,910
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