Thursday, February 20, 2025 11:55:51 AM - Markets open
VN-INDEX 1,293.28 +4.72/+0.37%
HNX-INDEX 238.32 +0.53/+0.22%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.94 +0.60/+0.60%
Nui Nho Stone Joint Stock Company (NNC : HOSE)
Industrials : Building Materials & Fixtures
29.40 -0.10/-0.34%
11:45:01 AM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/20/2025 29.40 0 0 0 0 0 19,400 555,485
2/19/2025 29.50 91 70,934 163 139,243 -68,309 52,600 1,537,205
2/18/2025 29.50 133 79,194 190 147,806 -68,612 56,200 1,653,810
2/17/2025 29.05 122 97,088 197 143,671 -46,583 62,300 1,789,505
2/14/2025 28.00 116 181,772 175 237,392 -55,620 85,200 2,404,830
2/13/2025 28.80 202 207,738 262 271,511 -63,773 114,500 3,209,840
2/12/2025 28.95 106 47,790 212 255,228 -207,438 27,000 783,580
2/11/2025 29.10 255 314,073 184 173,189 140,884 150,800 4,318,295
2/10/2025 27.20 173 163,139 205 187,122 -23,983 117,300 3,146,035
2/7/2025 26.20 72 56,222 77 126,321 -70,099 25,300 651,660
2/6/2025 26.20 58 37,078 114 117,132 -80,054 28,400 739,320
2/5/2025 26.20 59 49,385 99 120,731 -71,346 37,200 967,710
2/4/2025 25.95 81 56,070 129 127,952 -71,882 29,100 751,705
2/3/2025 25.80 94 88,726 95 135,250 -46,524 57,300 1,479,225
1/24/2025 25.20 190 140,997 144 134,858 6,139 64,600 1,596,555
1/23/2025 23.80 40 23,623 63 40,581 -16,958 14,200 337,495
1/22/2025 23.70 56 31,233 63 49,749 -18,516 22,300 525,905
1/21/2025 23.60 43 13,348 46 27,067 -13,719 10,200 239,140
1/20/2025 23.60 45 12,169 57 26,349 -14,180 4,400 102,885
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