Sunday, February 23, 2025 4:26:17 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,296.75 +3.77/+0.29%
HNX-INDEX 237.57 -0.45/-0.19%
UPCOM-INDEX 100.61 +0.53/+0.53%
MHC Joint Stock Company (MHC : HOSE)
Industrials : Transportation Services
7.36 -0.29/-3.79%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/21/2025 7.36 111 310,785 174 286,705 24,080 44,400 327,309
2/20/2025 7.65 208 918,816 201 306,066 612,750 167,400 1,235,238
2/19/2025 7.29 125 421,864 141 256,074 165,790 144,700 1,048,302
2/18/2025 7.10 75 237,303 125 240,665 -3,362 100,000 717,513
2/17/2025 7.11 137 372,475 128 276,366 96,109 169,200 1,188,753
2/14/2025 6.80 111 139,772 64 213,927 -74,155 75,300 516,392
2/13/2025 6.95 63 105,960 69 157,530 -51,570 39,400 274,037
2/12/2025 6.97 58 54,499 78 157,488 -102,989 20,500 143,280
2/11/2025 6.94 58 54,624 63 138,307 -83,683 25,500 175,033
2/10/2025 6.99 89 82,365 59 71,898 10,467 18,200 125,112
2/7/2025 7.04 77 116,602 71 81,966 34,636 32,800 228,007
2/6/2025 6.88 74 80,568 81 79,307 1,261 16,900 116,759
2/5/2025 7.04 36 17,311 91 82,165 -64,854 2,500 17,680
2/4/2025 7.05 83 65,867 102 94,433 -28,566 20,500 144,058
2/3/2025 7.00 78 214,847 69 55,420 159,427 23,500 163,951
1/24/2025 6.99 81 228,921 118 352,226 -123,305 143,300 1,000,907
1/23/2025 6.75 62 35,783 55 69,279 -33,496 5,300 35,665
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