Sunday, December 22, 2024 7:03:14 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,257.50 +2.83/+0.23%
HNX-INDEX 227.07 -0.47/-0.21%
UPCOM-INDEX 93.39 +0.66/+0.72%
Joint Stock Company For Telecoms And Informatics (ICT : HOSE)
Technology : Telecommunications Equipment
14.10 +0.45/+3.30%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
12/20/2024 14.10 301 704,809 385 555,660 149,149 281,400 4,000,995
12/19/2024 13.65 219 273,620 203 281,631 -8,011 149,000 2,006,770
12/18/2024 13.40 206 284,602 294 366,918 -82,316 165,300 2,215,555
12/17/2024 12.85 129 143,668 108 93,331 50,337 48,500 629,050
12/16/2024 12.70 144 161,690 89 66,360 95,330 27,200 343,445
12/13/2024 12.30 121 324,332 69 93,957 230,375 71,900 895,865
12/12/2024 12.80 131 137,725 92 288,723 -150,998 84,800 1,089,075
12/11/2024 12.85 112 115,624 117 159,939 -44,315 46,500 603,430
12/10/2024 12.80 99 82,944 105 175,447 -92,503 47,000 606,855
12/9/2024 13.00 82 112,564 96 170,972 -58,408 44,600 584,420
12/6/2024 13.10 135 88,210 153 141,301 -53,091 34,200 451,845
12/5/2024 13.10 94 81,310 103 107,063 -25,753 30,700 400,235
12/4/2024 13.00 94 56,424 103 124,231 -67,807 27,900 361,210
12/3/2024 13.00 160 183,538 129 167,970 15,568 83,100 1,097,510
12/2/2024 13.30 125 95,229 99 130,557 -35,328 39,500 517,885
11/29/2024 13.30 197 234,397 224 359,431 -125,034 118,100 1,557,640
11/28/2024 13.00 128 189,463 124 150,787 38,676 90,300 1,160,010
11/27/2024 12.70 102 142,601 108 101,155 41,446 38,000 480,795
11/26/2024 12.50 93 90,720 84 101,256 -10,536 52,900 660,205
11/25/2024 12.55 78 75,251 69 78,901 -3,650 35,300 442,030
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