Tuesday, February 18, 2025 3:21:42 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,272.72 -3.36/-0.26%
HNX-INDEX 233.19 +1.97/+0.85%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.39 +1.04/+1.06%
Gia Lai Electricity Joint Stock Company (GEG : HOSE)
Utilities : Conventional Electricity
13.10 +0.40/+3.15%
3:05:02 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/17/2025 13.10 1,126 3,697,117 1,176 3,453,662 243,455 1,868,600 30,257,800
2/14/2025 12.70 667 1,459,271 627 1,720,544 -261,273 704,700 8,957,495
2/13/2025 12.70 914 2,145,186 915 2,823,865 -678,679 1,054,800 13,615,070
2/12/2025 12.45 398 725,403 415 1,032,462 -307,059 322,700 4,022,150
2/11/2025 12.45 547 1,172,143 308 729,067 443,076 376,300 4,644,675
2/10/2025 12.30 550 1,167,418 502 1,171,595 -4,177 673,700 8,336,330
2/7/2025 12.55 576 1,436,154 807 1,595,258 -159,104 746,500 9,396,095
2/6/2025 12.65 698 1,787,775 984 2,359,614 -571,839 871,700 11,060,860
2/5/2025 12.55 1,169 4,741,706 1,118 4,372,155 369,551 3,327,600 41,160,470
2/4/2025 11.75 319 585,379 324 899,803 -314,424 288,800 3,924,095
2/3/2025 11.65 255 594,480 254 435,392 159,088 192,400 2,228,895
1/24/2025 11.45 196 481,849 264 882,321 -400,472 324,000 3,728,755
1/23/2025 11.50 170 223,729 225 554,123 -330,394 112,000 1,294,105
1/22/2025 11.45 144 331,215 259 496,889 -165,674 185,700 2,134,885
1/21/2025 11.50 158 221,316 236 630,364 -409,048 109,800 1,264,105
1/20/2025 11.50 195 370,405 309 780,224 -409,819 184,300 2,136,435
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