Friday, December 27, 2024 12:17:15 PM - Markets open
VN-INDEX 1,274.12 +1.25/+0.10%
HNX-INDEX 229.09 -0.81/-0.35%
UPCOM-INDEX 94.31 -0.10/-0.11%
Consumer Goods : Furnishings
42.25 0.00/0.00%
12:15:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
12/27/2024 42.25 0 0 0 0 0 600 25,420
12/26/2024 42.25 69 24,925 60 26,487 -1,562 1,200 50,355
12/25/2024 42.30 77 31,144 87 52,296 -21,152 16,000 672,620
12/24/2024 41.75 84 32,165 55 29,519 2,646 6,800 283,835
12/23/2024 42.20 58 27,420 85 43,562 -16,142 14,000 591,665
12/20/2024 42.10 51 27,337 57 27,420 -83 4,500 189,290
12/19/2024 42.30 81 78,903 91 44,641 34,262 15,400 649,650
12/18/2024 42.65 83 61,654 95 52,053 9,601 23,400 986,700
12/17/2024 42.00 109 104,021 142 87,934 16,087 48,800 2,036,520
12/16/2024 40.80 92 78,068 70 70,136 7,932 18,300 747,075
12/13/2024 41.50 56 42,979 58 44,506 -1,527 7,300 301,955
12/12/2024 41.35 67 68,187 63 40,517 27,670 19,100 787,740
12/11/2024 41.75 121 93,634 57 57,150 36,484 20,100 828,930
12/10/2024 41.30 112 74,722 124 129,409 -54,687 38,500 1,599,300
12/9/2024 40.70 71 26,456 89 31,405 -4,949 10,700 435,630
12/6/2024 40.75 68 51,825 64 33,566 18,259 8,300 338,030
12/5/2024 40.80 54 60,579 41 22,896 37,683 1,600 64,990
12/4/2024 40.45 55 44,676 59 21,475 23,201 8,000 323,925
12/3/2024 40.40 54 39,367 45 16,500 22,867 4,100 166,140
12/2/2024 40.50 55 44,713 74 24,782 19,931 8,500 345,515
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