Saturday, February 22, 2025 10:20:40 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,296.75 +3.77/+0.29%
HNX-INDEX 237.57 -0.45/-0.19%
UPCOM-INDEX 100.61 +0.53/+0.53%
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2/22/2025 10:20:40 PM
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Today's Foreigner Trading Statistics
  Buy Sell Buy-Sell
Volume 48,172,914 44,368,250 3,804,664
% Volume 6.51%
Value 1313.90 bil 1506.29 bil -192.39 bil
% Value 9.08%
Last updated at 3:05:01 PM
Foreigner Buy-Sell Chart
Upper Chart: Buy-Sell Volume, Lower Chart: Buy-Sell Value
Detail Statistics
Symbol Last Change Current Foreign Room Volume Value (Unit: 1000 VND)
Buy Sell Buy-Sell Buy Sell Buy-Sell
AAA  8.87 -0.05/-0.56% 373,920,631 72,400 55,000 17,400 648,000 491,170 156,830
ACG  38.80 -0.10/-0.26% 17,263,408 100 0 100 3,880 0 3,880
ADG  10.55 +0.05/+0.48% 4,028,295 0 4,600 -4,600 0 46,690 -46,690
ADS  9.69 +0.19/+2.00% 38,084,214 0 200 -200 0 1,950 -1,950
AGG  16.70 -0.20/-1.18% 79,964,746 600 4,900 -4,300 9,990 81,600 -71,610
AGR  17.05 -0.05/-0.29% 214,759,275 4,000 6,700 -2,700 67,830 113,940 -46,110
ANV  17.30 +0.15/+0.87% 128,491,669 192,700 49,400 143,300 3,349,600 856,810 2,492,790
APG  8.80 -0.04/-0.45% 202,639,772 0 21,600 -21,600 0 191,020 -191,020
APH  7.26 -0.10/-1.36% 175,007,809 500 143,216 -142,716 3,650 1,046,330 -1,042,680
ASM  8.23 -0.07/-0.84% 135,325,842 11,400 81,900 -70,500 94,230 678,390 -584,160
AST  57.20 +1.60/+2.88% 2,366,819 8,600 0 8,600 484,000 0 484,000
BAF  31.35 +0.60/+1.95% 111,801,971 571,100 68,900 502,200 17,587,390 2,111,880 15,475,510
BBC  57.60 +3.70/+6.86% 9,248,456 100 800 -700 5,600 43,600 -38,000
BCE  10.35 +0.37/+3.71% 16,598,260 31,600 0 31,600 325,620 0 325,620
BCG  6.16 -0.02/-0.32% 426,207,891 63,000 500,000 -437,000 389,450 3,098,580 -2,709,130
BCM  74.90 +2.50/+3.45% 329,114,594 156,400 101,900 54,500 11,634,830 7,604,550 4,030,280
BFC  43.25 +0.65/+1.53% 26,736,776 129,000 25,000 104,000 5,542,790 1,068,180 4,474,610
BIC  37.75 -0.05/-0.13% 3,943,380 27,800 300 27,500 1,055,650 11,370 1,044,280
BID  40.90 0.00/0.00% 910,616,288 660,079 61,723 598,356 26,971,830 2,522,610 24,449,220
BMC  31.50 -0.90/-2.78% 5,362,122 11,900 21,905 -10,005 373,870 697,730 -323,860
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