Saturday, December 21, 2024 11:07:03 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,257.50 +2.83/+0.23%
HNX-INDEX 227.07 -0.47/-0.21%
UPCOM-INDEX 93.39 +0.66/+0.72%
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12/21/2024 11:07:03 PM
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Today's Foreigner Trading Statistics
  Buy Sell Buy-Sell
Volume 73,808,593 81,565,062 -7,756,469
% Volume 12.97%
Value 2434.64 bil 2404.59 bil 30.05 bil
% Value 23.09%
Last updated at 3:05:01 PM
Foreigner Buy-Sell Chart
Upper Chart: Buy-Sell Volume, Lower Chart: Buy-Sell Value
Detail Statistics
Symbol Last Change Current Foreign Room Volume Value (Unit: 1000 VND)
Buy Sell Buy-Sell Buy Sell Buy-Sell
AAA  8.67 +0.10/+1.17% 373,669,610 319,500 600 318,900 2,764,680 5,200 2,759,480
ACB  24.80 0.00/0.00% 0 36,900 36,900 0 977,850 977,850 0
ACC  14.15 +0.15/+1.07% 0 0 50 -50 0 702 -702
ACL  11.85 +0.05/+0.42% 18,697,733 0 100 -100 0 1,180 -1,180
ADG  10.60 -0.10/-0.93% 3,992,075 0 1,000 -1,000 0 10,680 -10,680
ADP  28.30 -0.70/-2.41% 22,849,110 0 100 -100 0 2,900 -2,900
ADS  8.85 +0.15/+1.72% 38,094,914 0 400 -400 0 3,560 -3,560
AGG  15.75 +0.15/+0.96% 79,959,340 42,300 6,900 35,400 660,320 107,830 552,490
AGR  17.00 -0.10/-0.58% 214,803,855 0 6,700 -6,700 0 114,870 -114,870
ANV  20.35 -0.25/-1.21% 127,081,009 200,400 78,400 122,000 4,207,010 1,633,780 2,573,230
APG  8.39 -0.29/-3.34% 202,757,872 10,500 0 10,500 86,000 0 86,000
APH  6.82 -0.03/-0.44% 175,561,284 16,900 6,000 10,900 116,810 41,180 75,630
ASM  8.63 +0.02/+0.23% 135,513,445 2,000 47,300 -45,300 17,200 408,150 -390,950
AST  53.60 -0.20/-0.37% 2,437,870 700 100 600 37,740 5,390 32,350
BAF  26.30 -0.10/-0.38% 114,352,939 2,000 188,100 -186,100 52,900 4,960,840 -4,907,940
BCG  6.35 +0.03/+0.47% 430,380,967 2,108 0 2,108 13,270 0 13,270
BCM  67.70 +1.20/+1.80% 329,879,287 68,400 300 68,100 4,614,280 20,100 4,594,180
BFC  38.30 +0.30/+0.79% 27,477,576 5,000 18,200 -13,200 190,490 698,420 -507,930
BID  46.45 0.00/0.00% 745,742,806 40,200 982,500 -942,300 1,868,780 45,658,500 -43,789,720
BKG  3.27 +0.07/+2.19% 35,732,570 100 0 100 320 0 320
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