Wednesday, December 4, 2024 12:08:16 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,249.83 -1.38/-0.11%
HNX-INDEX 225.29 -0.03/-0.02%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.44 0.00/0.00%
All information about the Vietnamese Stock Market in HOSE, HNX and UPCOM exchanges, updated every second.
12/4/2024 12:08:16 AM
Symbol Lookup
Advanced Search
Symbol: Transaction: Period: Volume:
Date Symbol Name Position Transaction Shares
12/4/2024 AGG  Nguyễn Mai Giang Deputy CEO Registered To Purchase 3,125,000
12/4/2024 AGG  CTCP Quản lý và Đầu tư Trường Giang --- Registered To Sell 37,624,852
12/4/2024 FUEABVND  CTCP Quản lý Quỹ đầu tư Chứng khoán An Bình --- Registered To Sell 3,000,000
12/4/2024 AGG  Nguyễn Hương Giang --- Registered To Purchase 1,667,222
12/4/2024 BMC  Trần Cảnh Thịnh Board Member Registered To Sell 12,000
12/4/2024 AGG  Nguyễn Quỳnh Giang Director of Business Registered To Purchase 2,000,000
12/4/2024 BAF  Lương Xuân Hải --- Registered To Sell 57,000
12/3/2024 DHT  Aska Pharmaceutical., Ltd. --- Registered To Purchase 2,155,061
12/3/2024 DDG  Trần Kim Cương Deputy CEO Registered To Purchase 300,000
12/3/2024 PSC  Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Sương --- Registered To Purchase 10,000
12/3/2024 DDG  Yang Tuấn An --- Registered To Purchase 300,000
12/3/2024 HAG  Bùi Lê Quang Board Member Registered To Purchase 40,000
12/2/2024 VTZ  Phan Văn Quân Chief of Executive Officer Registered To Purchase 10,000,000
12/2/2024 VNM  Platinum Victory PTE.Ltd --- Registered To Purchase 20,899,554
12/2/2024 PVS  Vietnam Investment Property Holdings Ltd --- Registered To Sell 8,000,000
12/2/2024 DBT  Hoàng Xuân An Board Member Purchased 55,000
12/2/2024 VTZ  Nguyễn Văn Tuấn Chairman of Board Registered To Purchase 10,000,000
12/2/2024 PNJ  Lê Quang Phúc Board Member Registered To Sell 18,400
12/2/2024 VHD  Trương Quang Minh Chairman of Board Registered To Purchase 7,685,900
12/2/2024 TNG  Nguyễn Đức Mạnh Chief of Executive Officer Registered To Purchase 1,000,000
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