Friday, February 21, 2025 12:59:19 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,292.98 +4.42/+0.34%
HNX-INDEX 238.02 +0.23/+0.10%
UPCOM-INDEX 100.08 +0.74/+0.75%
Vietnam Rubber Industrial Zone and Urban Development Joint Stock Company (VRG : UPCOM)
Financials : Real Estate Holding & Development
24.30 -0.20/-0.82%
3:05:02 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/20/2025 24.30 55 34,766 46 44,346 -9,580 23,000 559,830
2/19/2025 24.50 42 36,055 43 42,995 -6,940 13,700 335,270
2/18/2025 24.50 37 53,854 63 91,816 -37,962 28,200 691,000
2/17/2025 24.50 99 72,400 88 81,159 -8,759 42,100 1,031,500
2/14/2025 24.70 65 55,205 102 111,273 -56,068 34,700 857,700
2/13/2025 24.50 50 78,477 72 84,557 -6,080 49,500 1,188,500
2/12/2025 23.60 73 52,876 59 69,767 -16,891 30,500 715,130
2/11/2025 23.20 49 62,416 40 39,250 23,166 17,800 409,860
2/10/2025 22.90 59 73,400 33 27,895 45,505 8,800 200,510
2/7/2025 22.70 55 19,578 29 35,978 -16,400 6,200 140,460
2/6/2025 22.50 70 39,367 35 50,806 -11,439 23,500 636,670
2/5/2025 22.50 60 46,011 44 40,204 5,807 22,300 502,770
2/4/2025 22.60 60 62,606 47 45,095 17,511 21,200 609,490
2/3/2025 22.80 59 30,009 33 38,988 -8,979 16,300 497,400
1/24/2025 22.60 91 31,171 40 37,832 -6,661 20,200 459,560
1/23/2025 23.40 83 206,696 44 65,946 140,750 27,500 770,180
1/22/2025 23.80 34 18,092 37 32,717 -14,625 800 19,020
1/21/2025 23.30 59 42,577 39 58,516 -15,939 20,800 480,270
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