Monday, December 23, 2024 4:58:13 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,257.50 +2.83/+0.23%
HNX-INDEX 227.07 -0.47/-0.21%
UPCOM-INDEX 93.39 +0.66/+0.72%
Thai Duong Petrol Joint Stock Company (TDG : HOSE)
Oil & Gas : Exploration & Production
3.53 -0.02/-0.56%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
12/20/2024 3.53 55 66,807 47 101,271 -34,464 18,900 67,047
12/19/2024 3.55 55 82,092 36 63,563 18,529 2,200 7,758
12/18/2024 3.53 48 90,465 40 93,507 -3,042 24,900 87,047
12/17/2024 3.47 69 173,439 38 45,449 127,990 11,100 39,027
12/16/2024 3.46 100 207,558 66 197,101 10,457 37,000 126,795
12/13/2024 3.62 60 138,713 35 88,597 50,116 43,200 148,644
12/12/2024 3.64 49 72,969 46 138,551 -65,582 11,900 43,246
12/11/2024 3.65 48 100,976 57 112,173 -11,197 7,300 26,381
12/10/2024 3.65 89 98,740 75 264,600 -165,860 35,800 130,193
12/9/2024 3.60 69 105,877 53 54,650 51,227 18,100 65,602
12/6/2024 3.70 117 153,971 56 76,407 77,564 13,400 47,012
12/5/2024 3.70 43 18,016 57 79,401 -61,385 4,000 14,765
12/4/2024 3.69 34 21,685 41 71,303 -49,618 2,700 9,908
12/3/2024 3.66 21 13,620 35 37,100 -23,480 7,500 27,448
12/2/2024 3.66 33 19,909 46 55,831 -35,922 8,300 30,196
11/29/2024 3.60 62 154,406 73 159,179 -4,773 44,500 160,434
11/28/2024 3.66 60 96,169 47 60,269 35,900 10,600 38,413
11/27/2024 3.60 32 23,040 36 68,511 -45,471 11,200 40,103
11/26/2024 3.59 44 66,643 26 70,953 -4,310 37,200 130,981
11/25/2024 3.52 44 51,892 28 60,423 -8,531 22,200 77,665
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