Tuesday, February 25, 2025 10:59:56 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,303.16 -1.40/-0.11%
HNX-INDEX 238.31 -0.18/-0.07%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.97 -0.24/-0.24%
Sao Bac Dau Technologies Corporation (SBD : UPCOM)
Technology : Software
8.10 -0.10/-1.22%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/25/2025 8.10 46 98,910 47 72,900 26,010 29,800 241,710
2/24/2025 8.20 60 98,063 57 104,633 -6,570 21,700 177,560
2/21/2025 8.20 107 115,552 78 149,237 -33,685 55,900 459,560
2/20/2025 8.50 69 86,800 81 209,734 -122,934 36,400 315,700
2/19/2025 9.00 118 672,258 150 546,136 126,122 546,000 4,796,540
2/18/2025 7.90 91 140,003 57 153,435 -13,432 67,200 531,860
2/17/2025 8.10 72 133,233 70 121,201 12,032 51,000 408,290
2/14/2025 8.00 80 149,601 65 146,935 2,666 70,800 562,010
2/13/2025 7.90 77 137,102 56 124,236 12,866 51,300 405,280
2/12/2025 8.00 62 97,480 68 110,335 -12,855 22,000 175,600
2/11/2025 8.00 72 98,161 59 95,535 2,626 26,100 206,970
2/10/2025 8.30 81 161,402 52 114,337 47,065 46,500 368,170
2/7/2025 8.00 113 155,020 61 201,168 -46,148 87,200 701,210
2/6/2025 8.20 53 114,811 46 55,800 59,011 21,200 170,320
2/5/2025 8.00 64 95,046 45 68,868 26,178 37,200 297,920
2/4/2025 8.10 107 174,348 44 151,200 23,148 58,700 466,170
2/3/2025 7.90 69 79,400 45 107,268 -27,868 49,200 393,500
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