Thursday, February 20, 2025 5:05:33 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,292.98 +4.42/+0.34%
HNX-INDEX 238.02 +0.23/+0.10%
UPCOM-INDEX 100.08 +0.74/+0.75%
Southern Airports Services Joint Stock Company (SAS : UPCOM)
Industrials : Transportation Services
46.90 0.00/0.00%
3:05:02 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/20/2025 46.90 133 197,054 103 112,361 84,693 59,700 2,807,110
2/19/2025 46.30 162 200,292 73 130,770 69,522 75,000 3,514,440
2/18/2025 46.90 187 210,956 110 131,258 79,698 89,100 4,152,130
2/17/2025 46.90 137 197,533 122 149,359 48,174 97,100 4,618,730
2/14/2025 47.30 183 183,043 136 176,559 6,484 106,800 5,058,370
2/13/2025 47.00 177 205,524 127 133,308 72,216 100,900 4,750,810
2/12/2025 46.90 236 148,914 145 99,461 49,453 59,800 2,772,000
2/11/2025 47.10 251 147,139 130 118,609 28,530 77,500 3,656,050
2/10/2025 47.00 258 184,782 198 211,313 -26,531 152,900 7,444,050
2/7/2025 49.30 200 125,272 143 158,139 -32,867 87,600 4,356,140
2/6/2025 50.00 378 236,399 194 315,875 -79,476 166,300 8,394,100
2/5/2025 51.70 283 216,928 222 172,417 44,511 122,500 6,165,320
2/4/2025 46.90 122 122,725 134 111,226 11,499 51,700 2,415,070
2/3/2025 47.50 133 126,812 144 91,484 35,328 58,500 2,663,780
1/24/2025 43.40 198 190,321 159 140,557 49,764 73,800 3,209,970
1/23/2025 46.00 169 235,742 182 151,900 83,842 91,600 4,263,760
1/22/2025 43.10 167 363,168 114 121,256 241,912 121,200 5,208,420
1/21/2025 37.70 56 29,114 60 47,601 -18,487 13,600 510,550
1/20/2025 38.00 76 36,665 122 79,059 -42,394 27,200 1,035,230
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