Saturday, December 28, 2024 3:03:10 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,275.14 +2.27/+0.18%
HNX-INDEX 229.13 -0.77/-0.33%
UPCOM-INDEX 94.48 +0.07/+0.07%
Vietnam Maritime Corporation (MVN : UPCOM)
Industrials : Transportation Services
53.80 +0.80/+1.51%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
12/27/2024 53.80 164 76,920 137 75,430 1,490 48,400 2,556,660
12/26/2024 52.80 312 118,816 183 103,534 15,282 74,700 3,958,690
12/25/2024 54.20 448 211,135 272 211,242 -107 169,000 9,409,670
12/24/2024 58.20 266 132,662 211 131,507 1,155 89,900 5,202,630
12/23/2024 59.00 519 280,677 307 242,818 37,859 210,300 12,673,140
12/20/2024 55.00 204 196,622 200 99,065 97,557 98,000 5,288,120
12/19/2024 48.40 253 202,730 269 242,289 -39,559 173,500 8,314,640
12/18/2024 46.40 74 49,614 91 58,525 -8,911 31,400 1,429,230
12/17/2024 44.80 95 37,918 76 45,193 -7,275 28,200 1,269,220
12/16/2024 46.00 62 29,348 97 41,342 -11,994 22,400 1,033,980
12/13/2024 46.60 85 40,104 114 51,171 -11,067 19,000 881,450
12/12/2024 47.10 114 71,751 231 117,362 -45,611 51,600 2,448,280
12/11/2024 45.80 56 16,065 99 48,036 -31,971 9,400 428,820
12/10/2024 46.30 109 55,025 121 62,077 -7,052 39,900 1,827,840
12/9/2024 44.00 128 40,261 81 34,400 5,861 15,600 681,700
12/6/2024 43.70 147 43,837 102 56,299 -12,462 25,100 1,110,280
12/5/2024 46.00 82 33,101 107 64,056 -30,955 22,300 1,022,140
12/4/2024 46.50 122 38,850 161 72,037 -33,187 26,400 1,245,430
12/3/2024 47.00 142 60,192 201 58,052 2,140 38,200 1,767,320
12/2/2024 43.40 63 18,711 68 26,666 -7,955 6,300 274,190
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