Saturday, February 22, 2025 3:41:06 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,296.75 +3.77/+0.29%
HNX-INDEX 237.57 -0.45/-0.19%
UPCOM-INDEX 100.61 +0.53/+0.53%
Gelex Electricity Joint Stock Company (GEE : HOSE)
Industrials : Electrical Components & Equipment
54.60 +1.50/+2.82%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/21/2025 54.60 635 974,366 469 920,944 53,422 442,400 48,507,430
2/20/2025 53.10 757 1,282,598 531 1,048,155 234,443 623,600 210,650,270
2/19/2025 53.90 1,030 1,244,040 487 1,406,863 -162,823 781,100 298,865,920
2/18/2025 56.00 980 2,741,137 787 2,617,476 123,661 1,956,600 106,938,490
2/17/2025 52.70 635 2,436,709 373 1,472,566 964,143 1,174,200 70,473,070
2/14/2025 49.30 802 1,424,504 435 1,843,970 -419,466 1,000,500 49,174,320
2/13/2025 49.85 933 1,847,277 391 2,620,256 -772,979 1,295,900 65,717,985
2/12/2025 47.10 739 2,576,494 300 978,233 1,598,261 889,000 41,510,240
2/11/2025 44.05 303 629,993 304 905,686 -275,693 350,500 134,709,725
2/10/2025 44.20 565 1,247,368 450 1,143,805 103,563 733,000 32,901,005
2/7/2025 44.20 478 881,687 475 1,179,576 -297,889 549,100 39,155,110
2/6/2025 45.00 611 1,081,974 485 1,294,225 -212,251 527,200 283,931,990
2/5/2025 43.00 531 1,825,797 354 1,840,087 -14,290 971,900 270,318,710
2/4/2025 40.45 603 4,440,769 456 1,663,358 2,777,411 1,447,400 252,220,695
2/3/2025 37.85 276 2,334,962 91 225,945 2,109,017 225,900 158,205,315
1/24/2025 35.40 493 2,500,514 255 978,891 1,521,623 810,700 28,110,240
1/23/2025 33.10 128 606,204 91 462,709 143,495 221,600 7,327,510
1/22/2025 33.10 205 977,870 170 1,684,234 -706,364 503,500 16,594,630
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