Sunday, December 22, 2024 8:55:37 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,257.50 +2.83/+0.23%
HNX-INDEX 227.07 -0.47/-0.21%
UPCOM-INDEX 93.39 +0.66/+0.72%
Gelex Electricity Joint Stock Company (GEE : HOSE)
Industrials : Electrical Components & Equipment
32.80 +0.90/+2.82%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
12/20/2024 32.80 373 922,134 277 594,120 328,014 329,600 10,804,860
12/19/2024 31.90 655 2,857,620 308 943,358 1,914,262 657,500 20,514,685
12/18/2024 30.00 603 5,800,530 184 4,843,301 957,229 4,554,400 135,496,140
12/17/2024 29.70 626 6,176,624 130 5,704,980 471,644 5,461,600 161,419,040
12/16/2024 29.40 373 5,558,165 114 5,409,225 148,940 5,237,800 154,407,675
12/13/2024 29.40 172 387,854 54 234,300 153,554 104,200 3,107,485
12/12/2024 29.30 117 471,401 62 515,525 -44,124 326,700 9,768,325
12/11/2024 31.40 91 277,537 45 281,430 -3,893 231,400 7,331,470
12/10/2024 31.55 111 311,932 57 334,928 -22,996 258,400 8,257,110
12/9/2024 32.00 72 191,402 54 153,100 38,302 122,600 3,923,625
12/6/2024 32.00 81 129,735 68 127,078 2,657 59,200 1,902,070
12/5/2024 32.00 73 70,441 57 78,999 -8,558 36,700 1,161,945
12/4/2024 31.90 65 45,947 36 57,805 -11,858 17,900 569,000
12/3/2024 31.95 73 70,829 36 54,038 16,791 24,700 790,110
12/2/2024 32.00 109 114,960 41 110,319 4,641 52,800 1,694,735
11/29/2024 33.00 73 83,328 56 50,415 32,913 31,200 1,025,475
11/28/2024 32.95 25 23,703 32 47,515 -23,812 0 0
11/27/2024 32.95 40 28,020 42 58,806 -30,786 3,400 112,330
11/26/2024 33.05 91 95,728 45 102,317 -6,589 62,100 2,016,505
11/25/2024 32.95 35 28,512 25 20,410 8,102 5,500 178,795
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