Wednesday, February 26, 2025 8:06:38 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,302.96 -0.20/-0.02%
HNX-INDEX 238.60 +0.29/+0.12%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.73 -0.24/-0.24%
FPT Telecom Joint Stock Company (FOX : UPCOM)
Telecommunications : Fixed Line Telecommunications
106.00 +8.50/+8.72%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/26/2025 106.00 837 559,681 1,163 613,390 -53,709 495,100 51,931,100
2/25/2025 99.00 410 302,251 396 225,901 76,350 195,600 19,063,430
2/24/2025 96.40 303 245,316 239 160,435 84,881 105,500 10,150,280
2/21/2025 96.70 207 123,879 225 115,214 8,665 56,800 5,478,880
2/20/2025 96.00 231 83,496 179 94,143 -10,647 40,600 3,904,660
2/19/2025 96.10 275 105,878 191 98,226 7,652 55,200 5,313,450
2/18/2025 96.10 257 126,000 175 98,669 27,331 42,400 4,072,330
2/17/2025 95.70 304 114,394 223 157,207 -42,813 79,700 7,685,680
2/14/2025 97.00 296 133,171 338 163,810 -30,639 83,300 8,082,640
2/13/2025 96.00 583 227,526 241 227,627 -101 152,600 14,592,730
2/12/2025 96.50 261 109,733 211 129,767 -20,034 54,700 5,294,290
2/11/2025 97.60 444 307,991 263 162,603 145,388 107,600 10,397,230
2/10/2025 95.50 1,038 397,468 400 298,518 98,950 235,600 22,590,230
2/7/2025 98.50 405 133,328 223 131,628 1,700 82,200 8,113,220
2/6/2025 99.00 549 277,549 317 195,843 81,706 121,700 12,061,960
2/5/2025 99.90 335 148,333 287 148,330 3 71,200 7,151,230
2/4/2025 99.90 567 267,443 309 217,381 50,062 159,800 15,879,950
2/3/2025 98.40 1,220 596,458 691 510,557 85,901 450,600 44,945,430
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