Saturday, February 22, 2025 10:52:56 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,296.75 +3.77/+0.29%
HNX-INDEX 237.57 -0.45/-0.19%
UPCOM-INDEX 100.61 +0.53/+0.53%
VietNam Pharmaceutical Corporation - Joint Stock Company (DVN : UPCOM)
Health Care : Pharmaceuticals
27.30 0.00/0.00%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/21/2025 27.30 201 385,905 247 409,893 -23,988 156,700 4,284,510
2/20/2025 27.70 389 709,668 460 724,741 -15,073 502,700 13,720,320
2/19/2025 26.60 291 429,177 241 472,783 -43,606 286,900 7,621,050
2/18/2025 26.60 253 316,736 185 292,809 23,927 141,100 3,739,290
2/17/2025 27.00 259 366,231 308 474,110 -107,879 246,200 6,647,910
2/14/2025 26.70 206 412,359 327 566,938 -154,579 229,500 6,172,210
2/13/2025 27.00 292 549,715 309 463,086 86,629 337,100 8,856,970
2/12/2025 25.10 325 377,731 228 554,565 -176,834 232,400 5,951,250
2/11/2025 25.80 371 776,040 525 880,779 -104,739 633,200 17,050,550
2/10/2025 25.90 298 509,463 437 594,913 -85,450 388,900 9,889,420
2/7/2025 24.70 227 338,487 248 340,381 -1,894 225,500 5,500,030
2/6/2025 23.00 204 180,601 132 176,960 3,641 126,200 2,900,100
2/5/2025 22.80 172 141,707 111 186,557 -44,850 108,700 2,481,120
2/4/2025 22.90 146 95,137 91 107,447 -12,310 50,300 1,145,500
2/3/2025 22.80 68 38,132 65 58,832 -20,700 18,500 422,810
1/24/2025 23.20 92 51,703 75 116,835 -65,132 34,000 781,290
1/23/2025 23.10 113 52,557 58 96,542 -43,985 21,900 503,290
1/22/2025 23.00 98 93,497 95 265,343 -171,846 79,600 1,846,540
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