Thursday, December 5, 2024 2:32:19 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,240.41 -9.42/-0.75%
HNX-INDEX 224.62 -0.67/-0.30%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.44 0.00/0.00%
Industrials : Heavy Construction
17.30 0.00/0.00%
3:05:02 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
12/4/2024 17.30 15 4,402 25 10,481 -6,079 800 13,815
12/3/2024 17.30 35 16,701 44 22,097 -5,396 3,100 53,475
12/2/2024 17.30 37 16,462 24 20,515 -4,053 7,900 134,185
11/29/2024 17.20 16 2,856 23 15,307 -12,451 100 1,720
11/28/2024 17.35 27 10,838 16 6,810 4,028 1,300 22,500
11/27/2024 17.20 30 8,340 29 14,118 -5,778 2,900 49,210
11/26/2024 17.30 29 13,542 29 14,719 -1,177 4,300 74,200
11/25/2024 17.20 18 10,726 17 18,617 -7,891 100 1,720
11/22/2024 17.20 35 16,641 30 13,980 2,661 6,500 110,610
11/21/2024 17.20 31 18,304 34 18,606 -302 10,400 178,495
11/20/2024 17.20 62 91,926 39 84,001 7,925 72,900 1,251,020
11/19/2024 17.30 24 18,833 24 19,920 -1,087 14,100 240,910
11/18/2024 17.30 32 29,220 18 27,147 2,073 12,400 210,995
11/15/2024 17.00 45 16,388 28 23,549 -7,161 9,400 160,600
11/14/2024 17.40 27 25,606 33 26,256 -650 15,200 264,990
11/13/2024 17.50 28 13,301 27 19,049 -5,748 4,800 82,815
11/12/2024 17.65 15 4,801 20 10,092 -5,291 100 1,765
11/11/2024 17.60 33 32,699 28 21,973 10,726 10,100 176,140
11/8/2024 17.50 30 23,699 31 27,241 -3,542 9,600 166,680
11/7/2024 17.55 63 66,285 35 50,912 15,373 41,800 723,095
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