Saturday, December 14, 2024 12:07:39 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,262.57 -4.78/-0.38%
HNX-INDEX 227.00 -0.99/-0.43%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.54 -0.14/-0.15%
Basic Materials : Steel
12.50 -2.10/-14.38%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
12/13/2024 12.50 120 70,464 137 145,569 -75,105 69,600 895,350
12/12/2024 13.90 228 217,193 206 214,958 2,235 203,200 2,958,520
12/11/2024 12.80 99 138,430 55 49,711 88,719 49,700 634,660
12/10/2024 11.30 114 119,591 81 52,756 66,835 52,600 587,960
12/9/2024 9.80 50 42,920 33 51,261 -8,341 22,700 223,760
12/6/2024 10.10 58 39,128 47 44,155 -5,027 27,700 282,300
12/5/2024 10.40 40 18,190 33 23,325 -5,135 7,700 79,530
12/4/2024 10.00 29 15,810 36 35,645 -19,835 10,500 108,320
12/3/2024 10.70 22 23,068 29 30,700 -7,632 13,000 138,240
12/2/2024 10.20 28 21,320 25 26,500 -5,180 8,500 87,900
11/29/2024 10.50 34 29,545 31 31,600 -2,055 6,500 67,130
11/28/2024 10.40 27 24,481 26 16,401 8,080 1,200 12,120
11/27/2024 10.30 33 34,848 24 27,724 7,124 16,100 168,140
11/26/2024 10.40 35 31,474 44 36,665 -5,191 11,500 120,560
11/25/2024 10.40 27 34,679 31 23,271 11,408 4,100 42,760
11/22/2024 10.50 62 63,911 47 47,546 16,365 22,400 225,180
11/21/2024 10.60 22 11,100 35 23,147 -12,047 3,200 33,870
11/20/2024 10.90 15 4,904 31 31,777 -26,873 100 1,090
11/19/2024 10.70 19 24,384 34 28,276 -3,892 16,400 175,350
11/18/2024 10.50 10 13,301 17 10,721 2,580 300 3,150
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