Saturday, February 22, 2025 8:13:52 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,296.75 +3.77/+0.29%
HNX-INDEX 237.57 -0.45/-0.19%
UPCOM-INDEX 100.61 +0.53/+0.53%
AMECC Mechanical Construction Joint Stock Company (AMS : UPCOM)
Industrials : Heavy Construction
9.00 +0.30/+3.45%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/21/2025 9.00 129 732,897 111 488,954 243,943 177,000 1,560,190
2/20/2025 8.90 114 523,576 107 557,220 -33,644 75,200 657,030
2/19/2025 8.90 170 872,915 107 828,115 44,800 247,800 2,122,290
2/18/2025 8.60 94 224,576 119 571,021 -346,445 126,000 1,085,870
2/17/2025 8.80 88 194,527 91 198,926 -4,399 71,500 613,850
2/14/2025 8.80 80 239,724 81 243,631 -3,907 123,400 1,070,320
2/13/2025 8.80 75 154,468 79 157,954 -3,486 27,300 238,840
2/12/2025 8.70 63 153,309 93 194,264 -40,955 45,000 385,480
2/11/2025 8.70 61 125,103 86 168,315 -43,212 33,500 286,660
2/10/2025 8.70 105 197,455 128 255,281 -57,826 58,800 509,190
2/7/2025 8.80 81 181,109 84 224,424 -43,315 55,500 480,210
2/6/2025 8.70 93 277,909 93 256,323 21,586 74,000 635,870
2/5/2025 8.90 75 139,223 107 228,638 -89,415 63,900 558,970
2/4/2025 8.90 60 113,286 88 133,859 -20,573 32,200 282,150
2/3/2025 9.00 72 166,515 80 302,091 -135,576 102,300 888,410
1/24/2025 9.00 65 235,508 108 372,681 -137,173 141,500 1,244,190
1/23/2025 8.60 64 185,840 69 177,120 8,720 78,700 656,960
1/22/2025 8.50 58 129,418 70 143,125 -13,707 77,600 638,340
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