Saturday, February 22, 2025 10:01:13 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,296.75 +3.77/+0.29%
HNX-INDEX 237.57 -0.45/-0.19%
UPCOM-INDEX 100.61 +0.53/+0.53%
Airports Corporation Of Viet Nam (ACV : UPCOM)
Industrials : Transportation Services
109.80 -1.00/-0.90%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/21/2025 109.80 811 382,484 703 516,596 -134,112 257,000 28,436,690
2/20/2025 111.40 936 627,592 1,029 716,350 -88,758 475,800 52,717,570
2/19/2025 108.90 1,064 660,911 934 693,404 -32,493 470,000 50,997,980
2/18/2025 105.00 1,678 656,629 615 613,575 43,054 479,000 50,534,230
2/17/2025 106.80 2,263 1,098,068 990 1,097,291 777 892,900 96,216,020
2/14/2025 112.30 3,111 1,477,139 1,170 1,460,304 16,835 1,226,600 137,849,270
2/13/2025 116.00 909 640,710 606 724,406 -83,696 306,700 55,270,140
2/12/2025 116.20 1,536 812,512 731 746,800 65,712 571,300 66,080,860
2/11/2025 116.20 2,205 980,827 1,127 1,131,172 -150,345 847,300 99,625,840
2/10/2025 120.00 1,392 922,389 916 1,045,613 -123,224 682,200 82,270,050
2/7/2025 124.70 845 625,989 532 498,423 127,566 354,200 43,643,430
2/6/2025 124.80 599 586,524 860 575,573 10,951 302,200 37,690,980
2/5/2025 123.20 730 767,096 775 792,564 -25,468 509,400 67,224,680
2/4/2025 122.80 1,643 687,406 600 662,773 24,633 450,800 55,332,090
2/3/2025 122.40 604 563,908 548 648,713 -84,805 390,700 47,947,060
1/24/2025 121.50 548 571,738 566 784,830 -213,092 272,700 33,336,610
1/23/2025 122.00 502 552,706 475 509,491 43,215 281,700 34,201,880
1/22/2025 120.30 916 615,938 640 576,299 39,639 374,500 45,233,910
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