Thursday, December 5, 2024 9:32:05 AM - Markets open
VN-INDEX 1,241.64 +1.23/+0.10%
HNX-INDEX 224.82 +0.20/+0.09%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.51 +0.07/+0.07%
Thac Mo Hydro Power Joint Stock Company (TMP : HOSE)
Utilities : Conventional Electricity
69.50 0.00/0.00%
9:24:59 AM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
12/5/2024 69.50 0 0 0 0 0 100 6,950
12/4/2024 69.50 20 2,997 6 1,200 1,797 500 34,750
12/3/2024 69.60 44 6,647 15 3,352 3,295 1,500 104,690
12/2/2024 69.70 35 7,191 12 4,914 2,277 3,500 241,630
11/29/2024 69.00 38 7,439 11 6,224 1,215 1,900 131,100
11/28/2024 68.00 31 13,731 14 7,100 6,631 2,600 178,580
11/27/2024 69.00 31 5,974 12 6,214 -240 1,000 69,000
11/26/2024 68.00 35 12,260 10 3,309 8,951 200 13,600
11/25/2024 66.30 25 7,652 22 10,001 -2,349 2,100 144,640
11/22/2024 69.60 13 5,223 19 6,802 -1,579 300 20,940
11/21/2024 69.90 15 5,170 11 4,103 1,067 0 0
11/20/2024 69.90 16 5,016 12 3,805 1,211 300 20,970
11/19/2024 67.00 31 13,608 11 3,907 9,701 800 53,600
11/18/2024 67.60 21 5,206 19 7,631 -2,425 2,000 137,100
11/15/2024 68.40 27 9,706 17 7,717 1,989 3,600 245,070
11/14/2024 68.50 14 3,903 8 3,231 672 200 13,700
11/13/2024 68.50 28 5,313 17 7,509 -2,196 800 54,100
11/12/2024 67.70 18 5,303 22 4,621 682 100 6,770
11/11/2024 68.40 24 8,703 15 7,909 794 2,300 156,590
11/8/2024 67.50 36 8,109 15 7,125 984 2,200 149,950
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