Saturday, February 22, 2025 7:31:42 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,296.75 +3.77/+0.29%
HNX-INDEX 237.57 -0.45/-0.19%
UPCOM-INDEX 100.61 +0.53/+0.53%
Ha Bac Nitrogenous Fertilizer & Chemicals Joint Stock Company (DHB : UPCOM)
Basic Materials : Specialty Chemicals
10.00 -0.10/-0.99%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/21/2025 10.00 38 37,508 61 71,364 -33,856 29,600 297,710
2/20/2025 9.90 69 77,101 70 82,258 -5,157 29,100 293,230
2/19/2025 10.30 43 43,700 77 103,327 -59,627 32,100 332,460
2/18/2025 10.30 65 82,800 110 121,431 -38,631 51,900 536,710
2/17/2025 10.40 112 179,626 156 218,582 -38,956 144,400 1,519,650
2/14/2025 10.00 90 145,800 104 202,656 -56,856 109,100 1,122,580
2/13/2025 10.10 65 115,657 99 157,587 -41,930 96,000 950,590
2/12/2025 9.40 25 20,470 47 46,168 -25,698 6,300 59,240
2/11/2025 9.40 46 82,900 57 66,756 16,144 27,700 260,060
2/10/2025 9.20 29 34,932 54 68,578 -33,646 12,300 112,340
2/7/2025 9.20 38 36,179 43 32,239 3,940 12,100 111,020
2/6/2025 9.10 45 42,687 41 41,955 732 9,700 87,890
2/5/2025 9.00 46 67,500 47 41,489 26,011 9,800 88,330
2/4/2025 8.80 47 89,001 49 35,190 53,811 14,000 123,610
2/3/2025 8.80 47 69,500 37 51,799 17,701 39,700 343,690
1/24/2025 8.70 31 45,100 41 30,488 14,612 10,200 89,350
1/23/2025 8.60 26 26,048 38 22,048 4,000 10,800 92,380
1/22/2025 8.70 22 17,400 28 13,500 3,900 2,100 17,930
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