Monday, March 31, 2025 6:18:16 AM - Markets open
VN-INDEX 1,317.46 -6.35/-0.48%
HNX-INDEX 238.20 -1.34/-0.56%
UPCOM-INDEX 98.62 -0.34/-0.34%
Bibica Corporation (BBC : HOSE)
Consumer Goods : Food Products
55.40 0.00/0.00%
3:10:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
3/28/2025 55.40 18 2,805 10 1,701 1,104 300 16,620
3/27/2025 55.40 22 2,447 20 3,002 -555 400 21,800
3/26/2025 55.60 17 3,010 18 2,309 701 0 0
3/25/2025 55.60 23 5,505 34 5,105 400 200 11,120
3/24/2025 55.60 39 11,250 17 1,208 10,042 600 33,340
3/21/2025 52.40 19 2,713 15 1,704 1,009 100 5,240
3/20/2025 54.60 24 3,293 28 5,008 -1,715 1,200 66,040
3/19/2025 58.00 15 1,724 12 3,520 -1,796 0 0
3/18/2025 58.00 16 1,006 15 2,508 -1,502 100 5,800
3/17/2025 57.00 19 2,296 13 2,704 -408 0 0
3/14/2025 57.00 29 3,866 16 3,403 463 1,000 57,900
3/13/2025 58.00 24 4,685 17 4,204 481 600 34,670
3/12/2025 58.90 32 2,829 18 3,212 -383 100 5,890
3/11/2025 59.00 21 2,249 18 2,505 -256 100 5,900
3/10/2025 59.00 45 9,288 32 5,506 3,782 900 50,450
3/7/2025 58.10 25 13,112 45 19,507 -6,395 7,200 441,680
3/6/2025 62.40 36 12,455 33 14,687 -2,232 8,600 539,190
3/5/2025 59.00 15 2,405 34 7,360 -4,955 1,200 70,610
3/4/2025 62.30 10 905 28 9,236 -8,331 0 0
3/3/2025 62.30 9 2,006 29 4,629 -2,623 100 6,230
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