Electronics Communications Technology Investment Development Corporation announces the following issues:
1) Plan for selling treasury shares:
- Number of treasury stock before trading: 309,595 shares
- Number of shares registered to sell for the phase 1: 200,000 shares
- Trading method: to transfer rights via the Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD)
2) Plan for using treasury shares to reward employees (phase 1):
- Stock name: Electronics Communications Technology Investment Development Corporation
- Stock type: common share
- Par value: 10,000 dongs/share
- Number of shares issued: 50,928,243 shares
- Number of outstanding shares: 50,618,648 shares
- Number of treasury shares: 309,595 shares
- Number of shares expected to be issued (phase 1): 200,000 shares
- Total value of issue (based on par value): VND2,000,000,000
- Issue ratio: 0.39%
- Transfer restriction: 01 year from the finish date of the issuance.
- Expected execution time: from July 08, 2021 to July 21, 2021.