On November 30, 2021, Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company announces the Resolution of General Meeting of Shareholders with the following contents:
1) Approving the regulation on organizing, implementing and checking to collect shareholders’ opinions in writing.
2) Approving the regulation on the nomination, the candidate and the additional election of members of BOD for term 20218-2023.
3) Approving the resignation of member of BOD for the term 2018-2023.
4) Approving the additional election of members of BOD for term 20218-2023.
5) Approving the adjustment of business lines.
6) Approving the amendment, supplement of the company’s charter.
7) Approving the transaction with related parties
8) Approving the plan for share private placement to increase its charter capital.
9) Approving the result of the additional election of Mrs. Le Thi Mai Loan as member of BOD for the term 2018-2023.