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HCM City's retail market grows by 11.9 percent despite pandemic
VietNam+ - 1/7/2021 4:57:44 PM
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The retail market of the southern largest economic hub of Ho Chi Minh City grew by 11.9 percent to 759.7 trillion VND (32.84 billion USD).
Considering the impacts of the pandemic, the growth was surprising, said Huynh Van Hung, head of the municipal Statistics Office.
Data from a number of large retailers showed that the market began to bustle again in the second half of 2020 after an initial slump.
It was partly due to trade promotion activities undertaken toward the end of the year and a recovery in consumer demand due to the Government’s efficient containment of the disease.
Mobile World JSC, for instance, reported double-digit growth in both revenues and profits in the first 11 months.
Phu Nhuan Jewelry Joint Stock Company reported 21.7 percent growth in sales.
The food and beverages sector reported a 15.9 percent rise in earnings before interest and tax.
The pandemic caused a boom in e-commerce as shopping behaviours changed.
According to several market research companies, retail chains have to restructure since brick-and-mortar stores face shrinking profit margins because of fewer customers and soaring costs.
This year the market grew by 6.8 percent last year to 172.8 billion USD despite the debilitating economic effect of the COVID-19 outbreak, according to the General Statistics Office. Until 2019, Vietnam's retail market always grew in double digits./.
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