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Gov’t issues Resolution on 2021 socio-economic development
VietNam+ - 1/5/2021 1:45:25 PM
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The Government has recently issued Resolution No.01/NQ-CP on key measures to carry out the 2021 socio-economic development plan and State budget estimate.
According to the Resolution, the year 2020 was considered more successful than 2019 and the most successful in the past five years. Despite the serious impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters, the country fulfilled the twin goal of fighting the pandemic and restoring socio-economic development, ensuring social welfare and achieving economic growth of 2.91 percent.
About eight directions, the Government will make thorough preparations for the successful organisation of the 13th National Party Congress and election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and the People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2025 tenure.
It will take drastic actions to effectively realise the 2021-2025 socio-economic development plan and 2021-2030 socio-economic development strategy.
The Government will synchronously and effectively combine fiscal, monetary and other policies to stimulate demand, tackle difficulties in production and trade, promote growth while maintaining socio-economic stability and controlling inflation, stepping up economic restructuring in tandem with renewing growth model.
It will continue improving the quality of socialist-oriented market economy institutions, discipline and effectiveness in building and completing the legal system, renewing national governance in a modern way, building a streamlined, efficient and effectively law-governed socialist State, as well as enhancing the efficiency of the fight against corruption, wastefulness and the settlement of complaints and denunciations.
About administrative reform, focus will be given on ensuring efficiency in combination with speeding up national digital transformation, supplying public services to create a pro-business environment, thus promoting start-ups and innovation.
At the same time, the Government will strongly uphold cultural value and brainpower of the Vietnamese people, provoke aspiration for national development and pride, push forward basic and comprehensive reform of education-training, develop high-quality human resources and science-technology to make breakthrough in improving economic competitiveness, hasten the transfer and mastery of new and strategic technologies, ensuring social welfare and improving people’s lives; strengthening natural resources management, environment protection and fight against disasters and epidemics in adaptation with climate change.
The Government will continue perfecting a synchronous and modern socio-economic infrastructure, especially in transportation, energy, major urban development, climate change response; strongly develop digital infrastructure to lay a foundation for digital socio-economic development. It will also step up the progress of key projects and works of national importance, regional connectivity projects, ensure the security of water resources and safety of water reservoirs, and uphold the role of key economic regions and major urban areas.
Together with the task of ensuring national defence-security, the Government will boost external activities and global integration; firmly safeguard independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and an environment of peace and stability for rapid and sustainable development; improve the country’s stature on international arena.
The Government is set to well perform communications to strengthen public trust and consensus, uphold the power of great national unity and accomplish set socio-economic targets.
On 11 key measures, the Government will continue flexibly and effectively fulfilling the dual goal of fighting the pandemic and developing socio-economy in a new normal status.
It will also develop marine-based economy, hasten new rural development, improve the efficiency of mass mobilisation and enhance coordination with the Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political and mass organisations, among others.
Next year, the Government set the goal of achieving the growth of 6.5 percent in gross domestic product, increasing labour productivity by nearly 4.8 percent and health insurance participation to around 91 percent. The rate of multi-dimensionally poor households is expected to fall by 1-1.5 percent.
Over 90 percent of urban dwellers will be given access to clean water while around 91 percent of industrial and processing areas will have concentrated wastewater treatment systems. The forest coverage will reach about 42 percent./.
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