On April 04, 2018, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange has issued Decision No.121/QD-SGDHCM to change the shares of Viet Nam Ocean Shipping Joint Stock Company (stock code: VOS) from supervision status to warning status.
On March 11, 2019, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange (HOSE) received the 2018 audited audited consolidated financial statements of VOS. According to the report, the after-tax profit of the parent company’s shareholders in 2018 was 17.13 billion dongs, but the undistributed after-tax profit until December 31, 2018 was -775.22 billion dongs. Besides, the audit company noted the consecutive operation ability of the Company as at the time of December 31, 2018 its short-time liabilities was more than its short-time assets by VND171.94 billion.
Therefore, HOSE continues to remain the warning status for the stock VOS and will consider solutions for the stock VOS after having the 2019 semi-annual financial statements.