HOSE announces the record date of Dong A Plastic Group Joint Stock Company:
- Ex-right date: September 27, 2018
- Record date: September 28, 2018
- Purpose: Payment for the 2017 dividend in cash and additional issue to increase the equity.
1. Payment for the 2017 dividend in cash:
Dividend pay-out ratio: 5%/ par value (VND500/ share)
Payment date: October 26, 2018
Place & procedure of payment:
-Shareholders whose shares have been deposited: at the securities firms where the shares have been deposited.
-Shareholders whose shares have not been deposited: Dong A Plastic Group Joint Stock Company as from October 26, 2018.
2. Additional issue toincreasethe equity:
- Issue ratio: 5%/stock (20 shares will receive 01 new share)
- Number of shares expected to be issued: 2,466,394 shares
- Plan to deal with fractional shares
The distributed shares will be rounded down. The fractional shares will be bought VND10,000/share.
- Place & procedure of payment:
+Shareholders whose shares have been deposited: at the securities firms where the shares have been deposited.
+ Shareholders whose shares have not been deposited: Dong A Plastic Group Joint Stock Company.