Q3 2014 | Q4 2014 | Q2 2015 | Q3 2015 | Q4 2015 |
| | | | |
 | I. Cash and precious metals |
106 | 125 | 40 | 364 | 198 |
 | II. Balances with the State Bank of Vietnam |
36 | 36 | 41 | 41 | 41 |
 | III. TreasuryBill |
| | | | |
 | IV. Placements with and loans to other credit institutions |
42,432 | 29,033 | 18,207 | 9,597 | 10,120 |
 | 1. Cash and gold deposits at other credit institutions |
42,432 | 29,033 | 18,207 | 9,597 | 10,120 |
 | 2. Loans to other credit istitutions |
| | | | |
 | 3. Provision for losses on loans to other credit institutions |
| | | | |
 | V. Trading securities |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
 | 1. Trading securities |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
 | 2. Provision for diminution in value of trading securities |
-1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 |
 | VI. Derivatives and other financial assets |
| | | | |
 | VII. Loans and advances to customers |
209,763 | 169,597 | 136,403 | 468,151 | 90,105 |
 | 1. Loans and advances to customers |
229,803 | 189,752 | 158,683 | 583,184 | 116,807 |
 | 2. Provision for losses on loans and advances to customers |
-20,041 | -20,155 | -22,280 | -115,032 | -26,703 |
 | VIII. Investment securities |
226,791 | 226,791 | 179,857 | 174,071 | 424,664 |
 | 1. Available - for - sales securities |
90,000 | 90,000 | 90,000 | 87,418 | |
 | 2. Held - to - maturity securities |
175,000 | 175,000 | 135,000 | 135,000 | 566,344 |
 | 3. Provision for diminution in value of investment securities |
-38,209 | -38,209 | -45,143 | -48,347 | -141,680 |
 | IX. Investment in other entities and long-term investments |
11,295 | 11,145 | 11,145 | 11,145 | 11,464 |
 | 1. Investment in subsidiaries |
| | | | |
 | 2. Investment in joint-ventures |
| | | | |
 | 3. Investment in associate cmpanies |
| | | | |
 | 4. Other long-term investment |
12,090 | 12,090 | 12,090 | 12,090 | 12,090 |
 | 5. Provision for diminution in value of long-term investment |
-795 | -945 | -945 | -945 | -626 |
 | X. Fixed assets |
349 | 419 | 334 | 293 | 251 |
 | 1. Tangible fixed assets |
170 | 125 | 93 | 79 | 64 |
 | - Cost |
4,151 | 4,151 | 4,151 | 4,151 | 4,151 |
 | - Accumulated depreciation |
-3,981 | -4,026 | -4,057 | -4,072 | -4,087 |
 | 2. Leased assets |
| | | | |
 | - Cost |
| | | | |
 | - Accumulated depreciation |
| | | | |
 | 3. Intangible fixed assets |
179 | 294 | 241 | 214 | 187 |
 | - Cost |
1,927 | 2,077 | 2,077 | 2,077 | 2,077 |
 | - Accumulated depreciation |
-1,748 | -1,783 | -1,836 | -1,863 | -1,889 |
 | 4. Construction in progress expense |
| | | | |
 | XI. Investment properties |
| | | | |
 | - Cost |
| | | | |
 | - Accumulated amortization |
| | | | |
 | XII. Other assets |
876,810 | 891,680 | 653,158 | 271,033 | 248,940 |
 | 1. Receivables |
720,750 | 794,539 | 607,525 | 133,419 | 108,684 |
 | 2. Interests and fee receivables |
138,350 | 156,794 | 119,015 | 122,664 | 125,469 |
 | 3. Deferred income tax assets |
| | | | |
 | 4. Other assets |
17,711 | 17,547 | 17,220 | 17,057 | 16,894 |
 | - In which: Good will |
| | | | |
 | 5. Provision for losses on other assets |
| -77,201 | -90,602 | -2,107 | -2,107 |
1,367,582 | 1,328,827 | 999,186 | 934,696 | 785,783 |
| | | | |
 | I. Due to Government and borrowings from the State Bank of Vietnam |
| | | | |
 | II. Deposits and borrowings from other credit institutions |
325,366 | 315,353 | 88,323 | 80,000 | 68,000 |
 | 1. Deposits form other credit institutions |
78,866 | 68,853 | 10,000 | 7,000 | |
 | 2. Borrowings form other credit institutions |
246,500 | 246,500 | 78,323 | 73,000 | 68,000 |
 | III. Depostis from customers |
1,600 | 2,850 | 3,650 | 1,450 | 900 |
 | IV. Derivatives and other debts |
| | | | |
 | V. Funds received from Government, international and other institutions |
45,000 | 43,000 | 30,000 | 22,000 | |
 | VI. Certificate of deposits |
80,000 | 65,000 | 15,000 | 10,000 | 10,000 |
 | VII. Other liabilities |
138,498 | 119,162 | 79,006 | 43,681 | 39,692 |
 | 1. Intersest and fee payables |
92,135 | 71,356 | 32,920 | 26,638 | 25,821 |
 | 2. Deferred income tax payables |
| | | | |
 | 3. Other payables |
45,959 | 47,806 | 46,086 | 17,044 | 13,871 |
 | 4. Other Provisions |
405 | | | | |
 | VIII. Shareholders' equity |
777,118 | 783,461 | 783,208 | 777,565 | 667,192 |
 | 1. Capital |
686,000 | 686,000 | 686,000 | 686,000 | 686,000 |
 | - Paid-up capital |
686,000 | 686,000 | 686,000 | 686,000 | 686,000 |
 | - Construction capital |
| | | | |
 | - Share capital surplus |
| | | | |
 | - Treasury stocks |
| | | | |
 | - Prefered Stocks |
| | | | |
 | - Other equity resources |
| | | | |
 | 2. Reserves |
81,478 | 81,469 | 83,282 | 83,282 | 83,282 |
 | 3. Foreign exchange differences |
| | | | |
 | 4. Asset revaluation differences |
| | | | |
 | 5. Retained earning |
9,641 | 15,992 | 13,926 | 8,283 | -102,090 |
 | 6. Other funds and expenses |
| | | | |
 | IX. Benefits of minority shareholader |
| | | | |
1,367,582 | 1,328,827 | 999,186 | 934,696 | 785,783 |
There is no report.