Co. Prudential Fund Management Investment in Vietnam (QLQ Prudential) is a company managed by Life Insurance Company Prudential Vietnam to establish, operate in two main areas are created, managed investment fund securities and financial advice, investment securities. Prudential Investment Fund balance (PRUBF1) is closed due to fund management with Prudential QLQ uptime 7 years, total value of funds is 500 billion and invested mainly in government bonds, local government bonds , corporate bonds and bank deposits. Also funds also invest in listed shares and unlisted. PRUBF1 investment fund structure is defined as follows: 30-100% of net asset value of the fund in debt instruments including government bonds, local government bonds, corporate bonds and deposits bank. 00-70% of net asset value of the fund in stocks listed and unlisted shares. Investments in 2007 of PRUBF1 65% for debt instruments and 35% of capital instruments.
Eastspring Investments Fund Management Limited Liability Company
Saigon Trade Center, 37 Ton Duc Thang Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
+84 (28) 391-02330
+84 (28) 391-03850
Web Address
Company Officers