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PHS: Resolution on the AGM in 2022
HOSE - 4/5/2022 5:36:00 PM
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On March 31, 2022, Phu Hung Securities Corporation announces the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting 2022 to approve the following contents:

  1. The AGM approved the audited financial statements in 2021.
  2. The AGM approved the report on the business result in 2021.
  3. The AGM approved the report on Corporate Governance in 2021.
  4. The AGM approved the report on using capital from the share private placement.
  5. The AGM approved the update of the company’s charter with new head office address and new charter capital in 2021.
  6. The AGM approved the plan for 2021 profit distribution:

-          Profit after tax in 2021:     140,935,106,927 dongs

-          Appropriation to charter capital supplementary reserve fund (5%): 7,046,755,346 dongs

-          Appropriation to Financial Reserve fund and business risk (5%): 7,046,755,346 dongs

-          Undistributed profit in 2021:                    126,841,596,235 dongs

-           Undistributed profit at 12/31/2021:         180,535,371,172 dongs

-          To pay cash dividend for 2021 (4.8%/par value): 67,199,764,800 dongs

-          To pay stock dividend for 2021 (7.15%/par value): 100,098,070,000 dongs

  1. The AGM approved the report on the business plan in 2022.
  2. The AGM approved the selection of KPMG Vietnam Company Limited as the auditor for the financial statements in 2022.
  3. The AGM approved the plan for share private placement and plan for using capital.
  4. The AGM approved the amendment, supplement of the Company’s charter.
  5. The AGM approved the list of members of BOD for the term 2022 – 2025, including:

-          Mr. Albert Kwang-Chin Ting

-          Mr. Nguyen Doan Hung

-          Mr. Chen Chia Ken

-          Mr. Wu, Jin-Jeng

-          Mrs. Liu, Hsiu-Mei

  1. The AGM approved the list of members of Supervisory Board for the term 2022-2025, including:

-          Mr. Chiu, Hsien-Chih

-          Mr. Liew Sep Siang

-          Mrs. Kuo, Ping-Min.

  1. The AGM approved the appointment of Mr. Chen Chia Ken as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the term 2022-2025.
  2. The AGM approved the registration as the issuer of Covered Warrants.
  3. The AGM approved the listing of shares on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange (HOSE).
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Last updated at 11:55:42 AM
VN-INDEX 1,274.12 +1.25/+0.10%
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