The Board resolution dated March 29, 2022, the Board of Directors of FPT Securities Joint Stock Company approved the following contents:
- Approving the report on the BOD activities in 2021 and plan for 2022.
- Approving the audited financial statements and the plan for profit distribution in 2021.
- Profit before tax: 725,706,012,653 dongs
- Corporate income tax: 135,407,201,367 dongs
- Profit after tax: 590,298,811,286 dongs
- Appropriation to Reward and Welfare fund (10%): 59,029,881,129 dongs
- Undistributed profit aftre tax in 2021: 531,268,930,157 dongs
- Estimated dividend payment in 2021: 5% (500 dongs/share)
- Approving the selection of the auditor for the financial statements in 2022.
- Approving the amendment of the Company’s charter and Corporate Governance Regulation.
- Approving the plan for stock issuance to raise charter capital in 2022:
- Plan for stock issuance to raise capital from the onwer’s equity:
- Stock name: FPT Securities Joint Stock Company
- Stock type: common share
- Par value: 10,000 dongs/share
- Estimated issue volume: 29,513,459 shares
- Total value of issue: VND295,134,590,000
- Issue ratio: 10:2 (Those who own 100 shares will receive 20 new shares)
- Plan for stock offering to existing shareholders:
- Stock name: FPT Securities Joint Stock Company
- Stock type: common share
- Par value: 10,000 dongs/share
- Estimated offering volume: 14,756,729 shares
- Total value: VND147,567,290,000
- Offering price: VND10,000 dongs/share
- Exercise ratio: 10:1 (Those who 01 share will receive 01 right, and with every 10 rights will be entitled to purchase 01 new share)
- The rights should be transferred only once.
- The new shares are freely transferable.
- Plan to deal with fractional shares and unsold shares: The distributed shares will be rounded down to units, the fractional shares (if any) will be cancelled. The unsold shares (if any) will be decided by the Board of Directors to distribute to other investors with the selling price is not less than the offering price. These shares will be restricted in 01 year from the ending date of the offering.
- Plan for stock issuance under ESOP:
- Stock name: FPT Securities Joint Stock Company
- Stock type: common share
- Par value: 10,000 dongs/share
- Issue price: VND10,000/share
- Estimated issue volume: 3,224,017 shares
- Issue ratio: 2.18485639%
- Total value of issue (at par value): VND32,240,170,000
- Time for transfer restriction: 02 years from the ending date of the issue
- Approving the resignation of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thai Anh as Independent member of BOD for the term 2018 – 2023.
- Approving the additional election of Mr. Tran Thanh Tung as as Independent member of BOD for the term 2018 – 2023.