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EVS: Resolution on the AGM in 2022
HOSE - 2/23/2022 8:52:00 AM
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On February 18, 2022, Everest Securities Joint Stock Company (EVS) announces the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting 2022 to approve the following contents:

  1. Approving the report on the BOD activities in 2021 and plan for 2022.
  2. Approving the report on the business result in 2021:

-          Revenue:               1,113,080,057,511 dongs

-          Profit before tax:       522,527,466,394 dongs

-          Profit after tax:         422,144,412,069 dongs.

  1. Approving the business plan in 2021:

-          Revenue:               1,814,700 million dongs

-          Profit before tax:      535,388 million dongs

-          Profit after tax:        459,311 million dongs.

  1. Approving the audited financial statements in 2021.
  2. Approving the plan for 2021 profit distribution:



Amount (VND)


Profit after tax in 2021



To distribute the profit after tax in 2021



Appropriation to charter capital supplementary reserve (5%)



Appropriation to Financial reserve fund and business risk (5%)



Reward and Weffare fund (5%)



Remaining profit aftre the distribution to funds



  1. Approving the selection of one of audit firms for the financial statements in 2022:

-          AASC Auditing Company Limited

-          A&C Auditing and Consulting Company Limited

-          Deloitte Vietnam Company Limited

-          KPMG Vietnam Company Limited

-          Ernst & Young Vietnam Company Limited.

  1. Approving the remuneration of the BOD, Supervisory Board in 2021:
  1. BOD:

-          Chairman of BOD:                             750,750,000 dongs

-          Member of BOD (03 persons):           837,250,000 dongs

  1. Supervisory Board:

-          Head of Supervisory Board:               4,000,000 dongs

-          Member of Supervisory Board (02 persons): 8,000,000 dongs.

  1. Approving the bonus fund to the BOD in 2021: 2% of exceeding the business plan in 2021.
  2. Approving the remuneration plan of the BOD, Audit Committee in 2022: 7,000,000,000.
  3. Approving the plan for bonus fund in 2022: 5%.
  4. Approving the stock issuance to raise its charter capital, including:
  1. Stock issuance to existing shareholders:

-          Expected offering volume: 103,000,400 shsres

-          Total value (at par value): VND1,030,004,000,000

-          Offering price: VND10,000/share

-          Time of implementation: expected in 2022

  1. Stock issuance under ESOP:

-          Expected issue volume: 5,150,000 shares

-          Total value of issuance (at par value): VND51,500,000,000

-          Issue rate: 5%

-          Issue price: VND10,000/shares

-          Time for transfer restriction: 01 year from the ending date of the issue

-          Time of implementation: expected in 2022.




  1. Approving the policy to issue the convertible bonds in the private placement.
  2. Approving the plan for changing the company’s head. office address.
  3. Approving the implementation of derivatives trading.
  4. Approving the report on the business result in 2021:

-          Total revenue:       86,436 million dongs

-          Profit before tax:   70,971 million dongs

-          Profit after tax:     57,049 million dongs.

  1. Approving the business plan in 2022:

-          Revenue:               127,500 million dongs

-          Profit before tax:      96,506 million dongs

-          Profit after tax:        68,774 million dongs

-          Dividend:              from 15% to 20%.

  1. Approving the audited financial statements in 2021 by A&C Auditing and Consulting Company Limited.
  2. Approving the remuneration of the BOD, the Internal Audit and Secretariat in 2021:

-          BOD:                    4,000,000 dongs/person/month

-          Internal Audit:      3,000,000 dongs/person/month

-          Secretariat:            3,000,000 dongs/person/month.

  1. Approving the remuneration plan of the BOD, the Internal Audit and Secretariat in 2022:

-          BOD:                    4,000,000 dongs/person/month

-          Internal Audit:      2,000,000 dongs/person/month

-          Secretariat:            3,000,000 dongs/person/month.

  1. Approving the change of the company name and headquarters.
  2. Approving the amendment, supplement of the company’s charter.
  3. Approving the selection of one of audit firms for the financial statements in 2022:

-          A&C Auditing and Consulting Company Limited

-          Auditing and Accounting Financial Consulting Service Company Limited

-          AFC Viet Nam Auditing Company Limited.

  1. Approving the plan for stock issuance to raise capital from the owner’s equity:

-          Expected issue volume: 14,307,439 shares

-          Exercise ratio: 10:8 (Those who own 10 shares will receive 08 new shares)

-          Total value of issue (at par value): VND143,074,390,000

-          Time of implementation: expected in 2022.

  1. Approving the plan for stock offering to existing shareholders:

-          Charter capital before the issuance: VND179,999,990,000

-          Stock volume before the issuance: 17,999,999 shares

-          Exercise ratio: 1:1 (Those who own 01 share will receive 01 right, and with every 01 right will be entitled to purchase 01 new share).

-          The rights should be transferred only once

-          Issue volume: 17,884,299 shares

-          Offering price: VND10,000/share

-          Stock volume after the issuance (including stock issuance to raise capital from the owner’s equity and stock offering to existing shareholders): 50,191,737 shares

-          Charter capital after the issuance: VND501,917,370,000

-          Time of implementation: expected in 2022.

  1. Approving the supplement and cancellation of some of business lines.
  2. Approving the resignation of Mr. Nguyen Cong Khoi as member of BOD from February 17, 2022.
  3. Approving the additional election of members of BOD for the period 2019-2023, including:

-          Mr. Nguyen Thanh Cong

-          Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh

-          Mr. Pham Vinh Phu.

  1. Approving the draft of the Internal Regulation on Corporate Governance.
  2. Approving the draft of the Regulation on the Board of Directors activities.
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