Coteccons Construction Joint Stock Company reports the result on the decrease of charter capital as follows:
- Listed company: Coteccons Construction Joint Stock Company
- Stock code: CTD
- Stock type: common share
- Par value: VND10,000/share
- Number of shares issued: 79,255,000 shares
- Number of treasury stock: 5,395,527 shares
- Number of outstanding shares: 73,859,473 shares
- Number of shares registered to decrease: 424,200 shares
- Number of shares after decreasing: 78,830,800 shares
- Number of treasury stock after decreasing: 4,971,327 shares
- Charter capital:
+ Charter capital before changing: VND792,550,000,000
+ Charter capital after changing: VND788,308,000,000.
- Reason for decreasing charter capital: due to the cancellation of treasury stock from the buyback of treasury stock from the employees resigned according to the regulation of stock issuance under ESOP.