Construction Joint Stock Company 47 announced personnel change as follows:
- Approving the resignation of Mr. Le Trung Nam as Chairman of the BOD in the term 2020- 2025 as from August 14, 2021.
- Approving to appoint Mr. Pham Nam Long as Chairman of the BOD in the term 2020- 2025 as from August 14, 2021.
- Approving the resignation of Mr. Ta Nam Binh as Chairman of the audit committee
- in the term 2020- 2025 as from August 14, 2021.
- Approving the resignation of Mr. Pham Nam Phong as Deputy Chairman of the BOD in the term 2020- 2025 as from August 14, 2021.
- Approving to appoint Mr. Ta Nam Binh as Deputy Chairman of the BOD in the term 2020- 2025 as from August 14, 2021.
- Approving to appoint Mr. Le Trung Nam as Chairman of the audit committee in the term 2020- 2025 as from August 14, 2021.