On April 28, 2021, Sao Mai Group Corporation announces the resolution of the Annual General Meeting 2021 as follows:
1) Approving the report on the BOD activities in 2020 and plan for 2021.
2) Approving the report on the Directorate in 2020 and plan for 2021.
3) Approving the report from the Supervisory Board activities in 2020.
4) Approving audited financial statements in 2020.
5) Approving the profit and the plan for profit distribution in 2020:
- To distribute to the funds: 10,000,000,000 dongs:
- Investment and Development fund: 4,000,000,000 dongs
- Financial Reserve fund: 4,000,000,000 dongs
- Reward and Welfare fund: 2,000,000,000 dongs.
- To pay dividend:
- Undistributed profit after tax of 2020: 847,190,998,855 dongs
- To pay dividend for 2019 and to pay first dividend for 2020 (30%): 776,603,547,000
6) Approving the business plan and payment dividend for 2021:
- Total revenue: 13,000 billion dongs
- Profit before tax: 700 billion dongs
- Dividend: 10-20%
7) Approving the selection of the auditing firm to audit financial statements in 2021.
8) Approving the resignation of a member of the BOD for the period 2019 – 2024:
- Mr. Nguyen Van Xe.
9) Approving the remuneration of the BOD and Supervisory Board in 2020: 703,000,000 dongs.
10) Approving the remuneration of the BOD and Supervisory Board in 2021:
- Chairman of BOD: 15,000,000 dongs/month
- Member of BOD: 7,000,000 dongs/month
- Independent member of BOD: from VND20,000,000 to VND25,000,000/month
11) Approving the bond issuance in 2021.
12) Approving the amendment of the Company’s Charter.
13) Approving the Corporate Governance Regulation.
14) Approving a stock issuance to the existing shareholders.