The Board resolution dated November 30, 2021, the BOD of LICOGI 16 Joint Stock Company approved the following contents:
1) Approving the result of public offering and stock issuance for dividend payment:
- Stock name: LICOGI 16 Joint Stock Company
- Offering and issuance volume according to the License: 59,219,853 shares; Of which:
- To offer shares to existing shareholders: 50,000,000
- To issue shares for dividend payment: 9,219,853 shares
- Actual offering and issuance volume: 57,156,314 shares; Of which:
- To offer shares to existing shareholders: 47,937,777 shares
- To issue shares for dividend payment: 9,218,537 shares
- Undistributed volume: 2,063,539 shares; Of which:
- To offer shares to existing shareholders: 2,062,223 shares
- To issue shares for dividend payment: 1,316 shares.
2) Approving the plan for handling the undistributed shares of 2,063,539 shares. These shares will be cancelled due to the shareholders do not implement rights to buy shares and including the fractional shares.