Mobile World Investment Corporation announces the information on stock issuance under ESOP as follows:
- Stock name: Mobile World Investment Corporation
- Stock type: common share
- Par value: 10,000 dongs/share
- Number of shares issued: 453,209,987 shares
- Number of outstanding shares: 452,605,894 shares
- Number of treasury shares: 604,093 shares
- Number of shares expected to be issued: 13,578,176 shares; Of which:
+ To issue new shares: 12,974,083 shares
+ To use treasury shares: 604,093 shares.
- Total value (based on par value): VND 135,781,760,000; Of which:
+ To issue new shares: VND 129,740,830,000
+ To use treasury shares: VND 6,040,930,000.
- Issue ratio: 3%
- Selling price: VND 10,000/share
- These shares will be restricted in 04 years from the finish date of the issuance (Each year, 25% shares will be transferred).
- Time of implementation: January 2021 or February 2021
- Settlement time: from January 07, 2021 to January 11, 2021.