On August 12, 2020, the BOD of Tan Viet Securities Incorporation approved to plan the private bond issuance as follows:
- Issuer: Tan Viet Securities Incorporation
- Bond name: Tan Viet Securities Incorporation Bond
- Bond code: TVSI_TP_0320
- Bond term: 10 years
- Par value: VND 1,000,000/bond
- Bond form: book entry
- Bond type: non-convertible bond, unsecured & no warrants
- Interest payment:
- For the first 03 interest months: 9%/year
- For next interest periods: min 2.5%/year.
- Issue date: August 28, 2020
- Marutiry date: August 28, 2020
- Issuance volume: 2000,000 bonds
- Total value of issue: VND 200,000,000,000
- Purpose of issuance: to raise its capital and implement the projects.