VHE: Results of share issue for dividend payment
HNX - 11/9/2020 3:31:00 PM
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On 05/11/2020, Vinaherbfoods Joint Stock Company announced the results of share issue for dividend payment as follows:
I. Introduction about issuer:
Name of issuer: Vinaherbfoods Joint Stock Company
II. Share expected to be issued
1. Name of share: share of Vinaherbfoods Joint Stock Company
2. Charter capital: 88,000,000,000 VND
3. Number of outstanding shares (before the share issue): 8,800,000 shares
4. Number of treasury shares (before the share issue): 0 share
5. Type of share: Common share
6. Stock code: VHE
7. Par value: VND 10,000/share
8. Number of shares expected to be issued: 1,760,000 shares
9. Purpose of the share issue: Share issue for dividend payment
10. Record date: 30/10/2020
11. Expected date of trading the issued shares: in Q4/2020 after completing the registration of additional shares newly issued at Vietnam Securities Depository and listing of those shares on Hanoi Stock Exchange
III. Result of the share issue:
1. Number of distributed shares: 1,760,000 shares
2. Number of shareholders distributed to: 441 shareholders
3. Method of handling fractional shares: number of shares each shareholder receives from the share issue for dividend payment is rounded down to unit digit. Odd shares (if any) will be repurchased as treasury shares at the price equals the par value of VND 10,000/share. If the total number of shares repurchased still contains odd shares, then the shares will continue to be rounded down to unit digit and the odd shares will be canceled
Result of handling odd shares:
- Number of odd shares repurchased as treasury shares: 4 shares
- Actual cash used to repurchase odd shares: VND 40,000
- Capital source for the repurchase of odd shares: Undistributed profit after tax on 31/12/2019 from the audited financial statement 2019 of Vinaherbfoods Joint Stock Company
4. Total shares at present (30/10/2020): 10,560,000 shares, in which:
- Number of outstanding shares: 10,559,996 shares
- Number of treasury shares: 4 shares