Viettronics Tan Binh Joint Stock Company (VTB) announces the Board resolution dated October 16, 2020 with the following contents:
1) The BOD approved the business result in first 9 months of 2020:
- Total revenue: 314.0 billion dongs, reached 87.2% compared to the plan of 360.0 billion dongs.
- Profit before tax: 22.5 billion dongs, reached 112.5% compared to the plan of 20.0 billion dongs.
2) The BOD approved the report on the face mask products.
3) The BOD approved the report on the plan of medical electronic product development.
4) The BOD approved the production project of Toshiba, Konka.
5) The BOD approved the project of Cat Lai Plant.
6) The BOD approved the report on extension of land lease NTL, PVH.