Hanoi Beer Alcohol and Beverage Joint Stock Corporation announced personnel change as follows:
- Ms. Pham Thu Thuy was appointed as Chief Accountant as from January 08, 2020.
- Approving the resignation of Mr. Stefano Clini as member of the BODs.
- Approving the resignation of Mr. Bui Huu Quang as member of the BOS.
- Mr. Bui Huu Quang and Ms. Quan Le Ha were appointed as a member of the BODs in the term 2018-2023 as from January 08, 2020.
- Ms. Thieu Hong Nhung was appointed as a member of the BOS in the term 2020-2025 as from January 08, 2020.
- The BOD of Hanoi Beer Alcohol and Beverage Joint Stock Corporation approving to add business line.