Friday, March 7, 2025 10:13:45 AM - Markets open
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Ministry tightens price control, market management - 1/5/2019 10:05:22 AM
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 Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dung has asked the sector to enhance price control and market management to prevent any sudden cost hikes before, during or after the Tet (Lunar New Year) holiday which lasts from February 2-10.
Under Directive No. 06/CT-BTC, close watch would be placed on the market’s supply and demand developments. Price fluctuations in the domestic market are common, especially on goods and services which are in demand around Tet. The finance ministry will monitor prices and introduce timely measures to keep them stable.
Management would be increased to prevent significant rises in transportation fees, the directive said, stressing that any firms or individuals taking advantage of the higher travelling demand around the holiday to push up fees to unreasonable levels would be strictly handled.
The directive will also increase measures against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods before, during and after Tet.
The Vietnam Directorate of Market Surveillance has also asked provincial and municipal market watch departments to strengthen market control until February 22.
Focus will be placed on preventing the transportation of banned products like imported tobacco, liquor, confectionary products and firecrackers.
In addition, food hygiene and safety management will be increased, especially at wholesale markets, supermarkets, frozen warehouses and street food vendors.-VNA
Read original article here
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