According to the Board resolution dated September 25, 2018, the Board of Directors of Mekong Fisheries Joint Stock Company approved the following issues:
1. Approving the business result in first nine months of 2018:
- Output: 2,527 tons, achieved 50.54% plan for 2018;
- Revenue: 169.02 billion dongs, achieved 76.82% plan for 2018;
- Profit before tax: 10.5 billion dongs (achieved 76.82% plan for 2018).
2. Approving the buyback of shares to make its treasury shares according to the Resolution No.01/NQ-ĐHĐCĐ.AAM.2017 dated March 16, 2018:
- Expected purchase volume: 2,400,000 shares
- Purchase time: from October 20, 2018 to November 19, 2018.
- Purchase method: Order matching or put through.